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So, in the time I've been away from this blog some interesting things have happened.  The biggest being Zac, Joe and I turning 40, school, work, etc.  One fun, new thing is that we bought a boat last summer.  More on that later.   2020 has been an interesting year for everyone.  There is a world wide pandemic that forced the world into a quarantine to try to contain the virus.  Seems so sci-fi to type that out.  To be honest, I am a bit of a homebody so it wasn't too hard for me.  The hardest part was trying to do homeschooling for my second grader, while keeping my 1 year old occupied and somewhat quiet so that my husband can work from home.  No big deal.  It is fine, everything is fine.  😳 What does all of this have to do with cocktails?  (Besides the obvious of needing a vice with the homeschooling and toddler part.)  Well, in quarantine we didn't always want to go to the store if we didn't have to.  So when wine was running low, I turned to the old liquor cabinet. 

Birth Story for Zac

Well, time does fly.  Here you are going on 2 and I am just now getting around to writing your birth story!  To tell the truth, you do keep me quite busy so sitting down to type this story is a challenge.  Also, unlike your brother, your birth story is quite straight forward.  We scheduled to have you on a certain day, and there you were! There were a couple of unknowns of course.  The biggest being we didn't know if you were a boy or a girl.  Nate and I thought girl and dad thought boy.  When we were in the operating room, and you were being pulled out, the doctors said it's a ... and dad got to announce (I couldn't see, there was a curtain separating you from me) and dad said boy!  At first I thought he was joking because I was so convinced you were a girl.  I am not really sure why.  I guess because the pregnancy with you was total opposite from my pregnancy with Nate.  And you guys are still pretty much total opposites!   Once I took the first look at you though, I was