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Showing posts from February, 2011


I can't believe I've been blogging for about a year and have yet to post a true breakfast recipe!  I am definitely a breakfast person.  Most mornings, I don't think I'd get out of bed if it were not the allure of breakfast calling me out from under my warm and cozy blankets.   Not to mention the fact I'd be a shaky, cranky mess come noon if breakfast weren't part of my day.  So I've never been able to understand the people who don't eat breakfast.  So for all you non breakfast people out there, if you had this stack of pancakes to wake up to, you'd probably hop out of bed a little quicker now wouldn't you?  What if I told you whipping up a stack was a cinch and takes hardly any time at all?  Pancakes are so easy and quick, they are really idiot proof.   If you can mix, you can make these.  I like to assemble the dry ingredients the night before so that all I have to do is add the wet ingredients, mix and cook.  This batch makes about 12 pancakes