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Showing posts from June, 2014


I pass by my cookbook shelf multiple times a day, but something today made me stop and appreciate it. Maybe its the fact that most of my recipes today come off of Pinterest and it is rare that I actually take down a cookbook, open it up and cook from it. Truth is, I like to read cookbooks the way most people read regular books. When I find one I like I get that excited, can't wait to rip into this baby, feeling. I read it from cover to cover, flagging recipes I want to try along the way. And although I know you can't judge a book by its cover, I can't help but fall in love with the vintage colors and designs of "antique" cookbooks. I also find that those have the best recipes. Tried and true. So sad to think that one day, books will just be a thing of the past. All the more reason to stop and enjoy the beauty of this little cookbook collection.