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Showing posts from June, 2011

Stuffed Artichokes

It pains me to say, but I haven't really cooked much at all in the past couple of weeks.  I've had to force my attention on something else...namely sandwiches.  We'll get into that in another post.  Summer is always a busy time.  For me it feels like a time bomb, the bomb being cold weather, is just tick, tick, ticking away and if you don't spend every available second outside to enjoy the warm weather, its going to pass you by.  That leads to unexpected drinks on patio invitations and golf nights which mean that you have to grab something fast, or by yourself.  I found myself alone for dinner one night since Joe was going to be gone on a golf outing.  I decided it would be the perfect time to make something that I love and he doesn't.  Namely artichokes.  Oh how I love them.  Especially how my grandma made them.  She had the Sicilian word for them that I can't even begin how to spell, nor can I find it anywhere online.  Phonetically it is pronounced "Gi