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Showing posts from July, 2010

Salmon Cakes

Sometimes it is hard for me to like fish. I was never a fish fan growing up and there are still many fish that I just can’t make myself like. That fishy smell and taste, and that worry that a fish bone might end up in my throat just kind of makes me nervous. Ok, I realize I am probably not turning you non-fish lovers onto fish with this description. But let me give you a few reasons that might make you open your mind just slightly to giving fish a small place in your diet. The oils in fish, especially the ones in salmon, are terrific for your body. Not only are they heart healthy, but they help make your skin, nails and hair more radiant – couldn’t we all use a little more shine to our hair and nails? That benefit alone forces me to set aside my prejudice and find recipes that make eating fish a more tasty and appealing option. This recipe is a great example for anti-fish converts. Salmon cakes are a great dish for lunch or light dinner. The Dijon mustard and scallions add flavor th