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Showing posts from August, 2018

Letters to Bunny 2

Well, here we are, already in the home stretch!  It feels like it took a long time, and flew at the same time.  We are just so anxious for you to join us!   We have your nursery ready to go.  We are getting new windows put in to make your room nice and warm for the winter.  Since I call you bunny, we have lots of stuffed bunnies and books about bunnies to read to you.  Your brother brought his little rocking chair in your room, next to my rocking chair, and he reads to my belly.  I think you can hear him, you kick me sometimes when we are reading.   Dad and I have our bags packed and ready to go to the hospital.  We still have just over a month, but we want to be prepared.  I haven't been feeling the best,  I think that means that you are growing big, and taking all of my energy!  I wouldn't have it any other way.  We can all feel and see you move in my belly.  I can feel you get your hiccups, it's so cute!  I also think I feel what feels like you sucking your t