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Our Trip to French Speaking Canada

Nate had been asking to visit another country for some time.  Having two young children, I didn't want to travel far, but wanted to give them a little taste of what it's like visiting beautiful architecture, eating different foods and a hearing a language different from their own.  Since I took French class for 6 years and had still never visited French speaking Canada, I thought this would be the perfect trip to test their readiness for a longer foreign trip.  To Montreal and Quebec City we went! Tuesday, June 20 (2023) We flew into Montreal and took a bus to our hotel.  Montreal has a very convenient bus and subway system.  From the airport, we bought two 3-day passes for the bus and subway (kids ride free - just make sure that when you are in the subway they are in front of you to swipe, then go through the lanes that are not turn styles.  We learned this the hard way.)   From the get go, it was evident that French speaking Canada is truly French speaking.  While I can speak
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Upper Peninsula Trip 2022

I have had a few friends ask me for the itinerary of our UP trip, so here it is! Tahquamenon Falls Tuesday, June 14 We left early morning and made our way up to the UP.  We crossed the bridge and had lunch in St. Ignace.  We continued on to Paradise, Michigan to see Tahquamenon Falls.   We started with the lower falls. I was under the impression that there were 2 falls: one smaller one and one larger one, but that is not the case. The lower falls are made up of several hiking trails and quite a few areas with different waterfalls.  We would walk the trail, come up to a fall and stay a bit.  For most of the falls, you can get close or even get your feet in the shallow parts of the water.   The upper falls has the larger, most recognizable falls.  You walk a short path to a deck area that gets you pretty close to the edge.  Its a beautiful view, and you can feel the mist that comes up from the falls.  There are also trails to get a more panoramic view of the falls.   After this, we had d


So, in the time I've been away from this blog some interesting things have happened.  The biggest being Zac, Joe and I turning 40, school, work, etc.  One fun, new thing is that we bought a boat last summer.  More on that later.   2020 has been an interesting year for everyone.  There is a world wide pandemic that forced the world into a quarantine to try to contain the virus.  Seems so sci-fi to type that out.  To be honest, I am a bit of a homebody so it wasn't too hard for me.  The hardest part was trying to do homeschooling for my second grader, while keeping my 1 year old occupied and somewhat quiet so that my husband can work from home.  No big deal.  It is fine, everything is fine.  😳 What does all of this have to do with cocktails?  (Besides the obvious of needing a vice with the homeschooling and toddler part.)  Well, in quarantine we didn't always want to go to the store if we didn't have to.  So when wine was running low, I turned to the old liquor cabinet. 

Birth Story for Zac

Well, time does fly.  Here you are going on 2 and I am just now getting around to writing your birth story!  To tell the truth, you do keep me quite busy so sitting down to type this story is a challenge.  Also, unlike your brother, your birth story is quite straight forward.  We scheduled to have you on a certain day, and there you were! There were a couple of unknowns of course.  The biggest being we didn't know if you were a boy or a girl.  Nate and I thought girl and dad thought boy.  When we were in the operating room, and you were being pulled out, the doctors said it's a ... and dad got to announce (I couldn't see, there was a curtain separating you from me) and dad said boy!  At first I thought he was joking because I was so convinced you were a girl.  I am not really sure why.  I guess because the pregnancy with you was total opposite from my pregnancy with Nate.  And you guys are still pretty much total opposites!   Once I took the first look at you though, I was

Letters to Bunny 2

Well, here we are, already in the home stretch!  It feels like it took a long time, and flew at the same time.  We are just so anxious for you to join us!   We have your nursery ready to go.  We are getting new windows put in to make your room nice and warm for the winter.  Since I call you bunny, we have lots of stuffed bunnies and books about bunnies to read to you.  Your brother brought his little rocking chair in your room, next to my rocking chair, and he reads to my belly.  I think you can hear him, you kick me sometimes when we are reading.   Dad and I have our bags packed and ready to go to the hospital.  We still have just over a month, but we want to be prepared.  I haven't been feeling the best,  I think that means that you are growing big, and taking all of my energy!  I wouldn't have it any other way.  We can all feel and see you move in my belly.  I can feel you get your hiccups, it's so cute!  I also think I feel what feels like you sucking your t

Letters to Bunny

Wow.  I didn't think I would ever be writing these letters, but I am so happy I am!  When I was pregnant with your big brother, we called him Pumpkin when he was in my belly and now I have started calling you Bunny, so that is why I call these, Letters to Bunny.  I didn't think I'd be writing these letters because it took almost 5 very long years to have you!  Now that you are here, I'm still in disbelief, but so happy I get to be a mom all over again!  Thank God! Being a mom is something I wanted to be my whole life.  When we had your big brother, Nate, it was the happiest time!  I knew right away that I wanted to have another baby.  Unfortunately, it wasn't so easy for me to get pregnant.  I didn't understand why.  We did lots of things to try to have a baby.  I went to many doctors, took many tests and x-rays, and after awhile of doing all these things, I kind of lost hope that I would ever be able to have another baby.  It was a very sad time.  Eventua

Pumpkin Spice Apple Muffins with Maple Glaze

I recently made these muffins for a neighborhood party and got a few requests for the recipe, so I thought I'd post it here.  It's actually my banana bread recipe that I changed up and made into muffin form.  Pumpkin Spice Apple Muffins with Maple Glaze 1 3/4 cup flour 1 1/4 teaspoon baking powder 1/2 teaspoon baking soda 3/4 teaspoon salt 1 teaspoon cinnamon 1/4 teaspoon ground ginger 1/4 teaspoon ground cloves 1/4 teaspoon nutmeg 1/3 cup shortening 2/3 cup sugar 2 eggs, slightly beaten 1 cup canned pumpkin 1 small baking apple, finely chopped For glaze: 1 cup powdered sugar 2 tablespoons maple syrup 1 tablespoon milk Preheat oven to 350.  In a large bowl, sift together flour, baking powder, baking soda, salt and spices.   Set aside. In another large bowl, cream shortening and sugar until light and fluffy.  Add eggs one at a time until incorporated.  Add flour mixture alternating with pumpkin.  Do not over beat.  Gently fold in apple pieces.  Using a