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Birth Story for Zac

Well, time does fly.  Here you are going on 2 and I am just now getting around to writing your birth story!  To tell the truth, you do keep me quite busy so sitting down to type this story is a challenge.  Also, unlike your brother, your birth story is quite straight forward.  We scheduled to have you on a certain day, and there you were!

There were a couple of unknowns of course.  The biggest being we didn't know if you were a boy or a girl.  Nate and I thought girl and dad thought boy.  When we were in the operating room, and you were being pulled out, the doctors said it's a ... and dad got to announce (I couldn't see, there was a curtain separating you from me) and dad said boy!  At first I thought he was joking because I was so convinced you were a girl.  I am not really sure why.  I guess because the pregnancy with you was total opposite from my pregnancy with Nate.  And you guys are still pretty much total opposites!  

Once I took the first look at you though, I was like, yup, that is my boy.  You looked so much like your brother when he was born.  You both had lots of dark hair and were crying with squished up, red faces.  Dad went into the waiting room where Nate was waiting with all of your grandparents and whispered into his ear that he had a brother.  His face lit up! Then Nate told the others.  Everyone was so excited!  You were (and still are) a true dream come true!

You make us laugh every day.  Sometimes by making funny faces, sometimes by how stubborn you can be!  We love you so much, Zac!

Mom (and Dad and Nate)


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