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Supposedly it is officially spring.  Mother Nature did not get the memo.  It is very important on these gray, cold days to get a good, nutritious breakfast. 

I love me a big breakfast.  I like the huge plate of pancakes swimming in syrup or the plate full of bacon and eggs and toast and potatoes.  But the problem with these gut busters is that they aren't exactly giving you the start you want.  A plate of pancakes doesn't exactly put a spring in your step.  No, these are the breakfasts you go for when you are going to be storing fat for a winter long hibernation.  Now that was fine for me a few months ago, but contrary to what it looks like out my window, they say spring is on its way.  And I can only go with my top pant button unbuttoned for so long until it's time to give up my big breakfasts.

But I get so bored with cereal and toast.  What is one to do when one wants to make an interesting and healthy breakfast?  This is a great alternative to boring breakfasts.  I had this recently at a little shop in Chicago and I fell in love with the textures: the flaky, chewy, crunchy, smooth texture.  It is called muesli but I like to think of it as a sort of oatmeal parfait.  Parfait for breakfast, who would say no to that?    

This makes 2 parfaits.  Here's what you do:

For the toppings:  The night before I toasted the coconut in a dry sheet pan in a 350 oven for about 4 minutes, flipped it around and did another 3 minutes on the other side.  Then I dry roasted some walnuts (because that is what I had in the house but you could use pecans or almonds - oooooh almonds - or whatever nut you like) in the 350 oven for about 4 minutes.  You don't want to burn them so pay close attention.  When you open the oven and can smell them, you know they are done.  Then chop them and they are ready for the morning!

For the oatmeal yogurt mixture:  In the morning, I put a cup of quick oats in a bowl with some milk (sorry, no idea how much milk I used, just enough to make it a kind of wet consistency, but not soupy.)  I heated it for about 1 1/2 minutes in the microwave and then mixed in, I'd say about 3 heaping tablespoons of plain yogurt.  Use just enough yogurt to get a nice, parfait-y consistence.   Then mix in, again approximately, 2 teaspoons honey, or as much or as little as you like to taste.

For the fruit mixture:  I diced a golden delicious apple and banana into bite sized pieces. (Again, because they were what I had.)  You can use any combination of fruit you like.  Mix it up and get crazy.  Use berries or pomegranate seeds or tropical fruits like papaya and mango.  I'm not sure how citrus fruits would work in this, but if you are feeling it, go with it.  You could probably use thawed frozen fruits, but I'm not sure, I think that might be kind of smooshy and limp for this dish.  I love the word smooshy...but not if I'm talking about fruit...or myself. 

To assemble, put a little oatmeal mixture in the bottom of a glass, then top with a layer of the fruits, then a layer of the toppings and repeat until you get to the top.  Yum!

So there you are, an easy, delicious, and interesting breakfast.  Just looking at it makes me excited.  It's like having dessert for breakfast only better.  This has so many good for you things in it and it really sticks with you for the morning - not in the bad, have to unbutton the top button stick with you, but the good sticks with you.  The kind that makes you think you could maybe, just maybe, get up and put on those running shoes and take a run.  But if you are anything like me you will probably just sit down and watch a little tv.  Hey, I try!


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